Advanced Manufacturing & Logistics Network
The Advanced Manufacturing & Logistics Network (AML), an initiative of Greater Louisville Inc., is a collaborative of manufacturing and logistics companies that come together to share best practices and engage with resources to improve individual business performance and strengthen the community as a whole.The AML network is focused on five key areas: – Networking and Industry Collaboration: AML provides programming that includes networking opportunities, community engagement, and learning opportunities that share best practices for industry advancement.
– Advocacy: AML collaborates with GLI’s policy committees to advocate for issues important to the AML industry including transportation, legislation for ease of doing business here, expanding airlift service, and much more.
– Workforce & Education: AML collaborates with regional educational systems to develop and support workforce training and talent pipelines.
– Economic Development: AML collaborates with economic development efforts to support the recruitment of investment to the region to grow the regional economy.
– Structure: AML strives to develop a strategic framework that is sustainable and supportive of the overall network mission and vision.For more information, contact Christine Tarquinio Vice President, Talent, Workforce, and Brand Strategies, at