Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Led by the Holy Spirit, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary educates people to proclaim the Gospel, to care for all, and to work for justice in communities everywhere. Louisville Seminary will provide students with an outstanding theological and practical education that prepares them for service in a pluralistic society with a focus on retaining excellent faculty who form students in their personal, professional, and spiritual lives, and support faculty and students in creative and rigorous scholarship opportunities, through grant writing, sabbaticals, and any other means of support. Louisville Seminary will encourage those faculty who are called to research to do that work well. This institution celebrates, publicizes, and supports the research, writing, and scholarship of members of the Louisville Seminary community. Having formed and advertised Black church studies as central to Louisville Seminary, the institution will live into its commitments and support this program so it may become the leading Black church studies program in the country, with a focus on research, action, and reflection on Black churches and Black life.
For more information, contact info@lpts.edu or (502) 895-3411.
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