Job Description: (attached)
Working Days: 230 days/8 hours
Salary Schedule: II, Grade 6  (attached)

Family Resource Center Coordinators (FRC) serve children under school age and in elementary school. Assumes responsibility for development and coordination of programs and services determined by the needs of the population being served, available resources, location and other local characteristics. Develops and maintains contact with business and community representatives to enhance students' ability to succeed in school by developing and sustaining partnerships that promote early learning and successful transition to school, academic achievement and well-being, and graduation and transition into adult life.


  • Bachelor's Degree
  • Successful experience with business/community agencies/resources
  • Successful experience working with youth and adults from diverse backgrounds
  • Valid driver's license
  • Effective communication skills

**Information you enter in the Experience section of the online application will be used to verify your qualification for this position. Information should be entered accurately and completely.
**Falsification of an employment application is grounds for exclusion from consideration and/or termination.

Job Listing