work in lou.

The goal of this site is to help job seekers, employers, and workforce providers in the Greater Louisville region identify resources available to aid in advancing their careers or workforce.
Below you will find links to information on upskilling and reskilling programs, financial aid, internship and apprenticeship programs, best practices for employee support, barrier removal, and organizations that can help fill your open positions with creative solutions.
If you have any questions or have recommendations, please reach out to us!

Employer Toolkits
Help us tell Greater Louisville’s story to potential job candidates and your network!
Through efforts by Live in Lou and GLI, the goal is to provide a plentitude of resources to employers, recruiters, and city ambassadors that includes training, resources for connecting candidates to jobs, as well as creating and supplying materials to market our great city to the world. In addition to the online toolkit, we also offer printed Relocation Packets containing community information and data to help recruiters sell our region.
Are you hiring?
Employers in the Greater Louisville Region can utilize this tool to assist in recruiting top talent in the region! As the region’s largest local-only job board, access for employers to post positions is free, and job seekers can search for jobs here.

Tech Innovation
Attract top talent in our emerging tech city!
Greater Louisville is an expanding, premier destination for technology-based and data-focused opportunities because of its strong quality of life, professional pathways, and diverse culture. With careers in coding, data science, eSports, and artificial intelligence, tech is thriving here. An emerging Tech City, Louisville has almost 2,000 tech companies in the region and thousands of tech jobs in an industry that is growing every day.
Move Your Business Here
Not only is Greater Louisville an amazing place to live, but it’s also an amazing place to locate or grow your business. Our 15-county bi-state region has top-notch talent, a competitive cost of doing business, and has been named a Boomtown by Yelp.
Greater Louisville offers a plethora of unique advantages including a central and strategic location and outstanding quality of life. The region offers varied landscapes and lifestyles and thriving industry ecosystems built on innovations in advanced manufacturing, business services, food and beverage, healthcare innovation, e-commerce/logistics, and technology.